[email protected]

65 Corban Ave., SE, Suite 7
Concord, NC 28025


Assessments by appointment via Zoom. Same day appointments available. Call 704.786.1500 to schedule your appointment today. Located in Concord NC.
Just ONE BLOCK From the Courthouse

It's the Law

A DWI Substance use Assessment is required by law for anyone convicted of Driving While Impaired in North Carolina. Getting your DWI assessment prior to court is a mitigating factor in court and could lessen the level of punishment you may receive.


Substance use treatment or education is required of everyone convicted of Driving While Impaired in North Carolina.  Depending on the level recommended by the assessment, classes or treatment may last from 16 hours to 89 hours.


Enrolling in or completing the recommended treatment before court is also a mitigating factor and may be an advantage at the trial.  PROMISES12 recommends that you enroll at the time of your assessment if further services are required.

Our Promise

PROMISES12 provides services that will meet or exceed your expectations in a caring and professional environment, conducive to learning and overcoming the hardships of moving beyond the DWI offense.

Get Your FREE Consultation TODAY 704-786-1500
Call 704.786.1500 to schedule consultation today.
Convenient Weekday Evening Classes
Economical Payment Plan and Out of State DWI Reviews
Business Hours:
Appointments available: Monday through Thursday 11:30 until 5:30 pm and Friday 10:00 am until 1:00 pm.
Schedule an appointment TODAY:
Phone: 704-786-1500
Email to [email protected]
Fax at 866-309-8636
We accept many forms of payment including Master Card, Visa, American Express, Discover, Debit Cards, Cash, Certified Checks, and Money Orders.
Sorry, we do not accept personal checks

Please email (no pictures) or fax a copy of your citation and verification of your blood alcohol reading or blood test results at the time of your arrest to us.